Thursday, September 10, 2009

All Laddered Up

The ladder's done on band ten, and all I have to do to complete this section is the bottom border, which I've already started. After that, there are only two more bands to go. Good thing, too. I'm running out of fabric.

Return to the Stars

See the Stars came back around in my stitchalong rotation this week. There's a lot of stitching in this part, but I hope to have it done fairly soon, as there's no backstitching. Lots left to do on this project, as it's to continue for another year and a half.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Stitching this has been easy lately. It's mostly been one color all the way across - red. I'll be coming out of it soon, but in the meantime, I'm making pretty good progress.

Light Skirt

More progress on the skirt this week. Light colors, this time.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

It Looks Dark

You have to zoom in on this picture to see the progress on the second line, as it's rather dark. On the other hand, it's pretty easy to see I'm almost done with the top line. I'll finish it next time I work on this.

Monday, September 07, 2009

It's a Snowflake

I completed the first part of Tam's Mystery, which she's named "As the Snow Falls" and it's the verry middle. Looks like a snowflake to me. I'll start on the second part after I finish part eight of See the Stars and my next installment of Kaleidoscope Mandala. My hope is to have it done for Christmas.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Bye Bye Maryland

Well, it doesn't look like Maryland anymore, but I'm making some pretty good progress. I do a needleful of floss a day on it. It's all just cross stitch and is getting pretty speedy because I'm about to enter pretty much an all red zone, all the same color.