Wednesday, March 09, 2011

All Wined Out

Here's a picture of Wine a Bit all stitched up.  I'm mailing it to Betsy to either frame for her kitchen or to make into a wine bottle bag for the dining room.  It came out pretty well!

Another Block for Ritva

This is the last of my work on the seams only round robin.  Ritva picked autumnal colors, so I tried to keep the trend in what I did to her block.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Tronar de Tambores

This group was obviously lavishly funded in its productions and parades.  Unfortunately, that extra funding did not translate into a good performance at Teatro Verano.  The dancers were exceedingly lackluster (perhaps because they had so many costume changes) and the drumming was ho hum.  Even the singing was flat.  Last year, they won.  If they do this year, it's only out of sentiment.  C1080 is much, much better.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Halfway Point

At the halfway point on this one.  It gets kind of tedious with all the very small stitches.

More Courageous

Got about for more rows done this last time I worked on it.  Well into the second page now and chugging along.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

C 1080

 Of the lubolos/comparsas groups I've seen perform this year, this one's by far the best.  They are the ones, you may remember, who did the Hollywood studio in the 1930's production last year.  This year, it's just straight up dance and drums, but it's still much, much better than all the others.  All the following pics are this group.

Row by Row

A couple more rows done.  I'm mostly done with the first page now.  Only eight more after this.