Sunday, February 05, 2012

A Video About Those Who Protect Us Abroad

Marine Security Guards protect all of us who are posted overseas with the Department of State.  Where ever there is a consulate or an embassy, there are Marines.  This video is about what they do.

Crossed The Line

I have now officially crossed the last horizontal line with stuff stitched.  It's time to get this thing done.

In The Red Sea

I'm working a couple of rows a week on this, which is good progress, but it just seems to be one big sea of red at the moment.

Crazy Start #23 - The Bluebells

This one is a rarity - a small Chatelaine design.  It's old, too, and has been sitting in my stash for years, but I brought it out for this challenge.  I love the colors in it.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Top Tower

Outside of a small divot in the bottom, the top tower of the castle's done.  Those dark areas stitched toward the bottom are right around the halfway mark of the design.

Crazy Start #22 - Berkshire Cottage

This start will turn into a little magnet for the fridge.  It's a half-timer cottage.  Should be a quick finish when it gets back onto my rotation.

Trudging Along

I'm trudging along on this - doing two lengths of  thread on the cross stitch and one on the back and specialty stitches.  It's worked so far; I just feel stuck in molasses sometimes.