Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Almost Buildinged

I almost have all the buildings done for the final corner.  Even if the picture is rotated a quarter turn, you can see the progress.  Yay!  Getting closer to getting parts five and six done after being stuck on them for what? A year now?


One corner done, three more to go on the outlining bit.  I -will- get this done soon.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Curving Along

I've just been filling things in and seeing the curves in the snowflake.

Bits Of Hair

I've started a different approach to stitching this, as I've been going through a lot of untethered areas so far.  I'm afraid I might be getting off a stitch or two, so I'm going to go from places I already stitched.

Getting Around Underground

 We were a large enough group at Cricova, and had arrived in more than one vehicle, that we were able to ride in the underground trolley.  Although it was covered, the trolley was open on the sides.  The place was cold, especially with the wind!  We got to see a lot of barrels.  We also got to see some mosaics.  The cellars are much more finished and polished than the ones at Milestii Mici.

Monday, May 27, 2013

First Ever Fingerless Glove

I had seen a very pretty fingerless glove on pinterest a couple of months back, and knew that if I changed the colors, it'd be perfect for Kathryn.  So I made it, changing to black with blues and purples.  I think it came out pretty well, and she seemed to like it when she got it.  Now I need to make a matching one!  It actually was fairly easy.

Inside Cricova Cellars

 Cricova's cellars are parts of a (still working) limestone quarry.  They're spotless and beautifully finished.  The casks are all lined up against the walls and labeled.  Lots of lights, so it's not dark, and all the walls painted white.