Sunday, July 26, 2020

Red Walls

Many walls of Oplontis villa had red and blue walls, all painted. Much more busy than the walls most people have.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Back To The Dress

I've gone back to the dress this time. Getting closer to the roses, too.

Jodyri Catch Up

This one bag hold April, May, and June of my Jodyri subscription. Now to make more things.

So Very Close

I don't have all that much left to go. The bottom left bubbles are right around the bottom of the piece.

Scratch Marks

The walls of Oplontis, when not covered in murals, are covered in the remains of murals. There are a lot of scratch marks that are the remains of the sketches for murals.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Around The Blob

The right blob is outlined and topped now. Time to start another area.

A Bit Wide

The two side prongs look a bit wide to me, but I do like the overall design.