Saturday, October 30, 2021

Rounded Snowflake

My first experiment with mounting snowflakes this way. Do you think it's okay?


On The Last Row!

I am so totally on the last row with this one. I think it looks pretty good, too.


Almost All Round

Almost all of the outside is stitched. I like the colors so far.


Time To Climb

Chad making himself comfortable at the table (with a cameo by Grayson).


Castle Ruins

This is the remains of one of the buildings that was inside Kruje fortress when it was taken by the Ottomans.


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Stitchybox Fabrics

Four months' worth of stitchybox fabrics. I decided to post them all together.


On To Eight

This hasn't been getting much love, but the eighth house is started.