Showing posts with label non-stitching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label non-stitching. Show all posts

Monday, January 15, 2024

Ornament Factory

There is a major ornament factory in Josefzow, right outside Warsaw. We went; it's a couple of small buildings. These first are sample ornaments. They let us paint our own ornaments, and we even were able to buy in the gift shop.


Sunday, January 07, 2024

Rangers Swag

Of course we got swag when the Rangers won the World Series. It's obligatory. Been using the tumbler a lot.


Air Show in Poland

We went to the Radom Air Show at the end of August. It was hot; it was under resourced; and it was rainy. We ended up going for only one day out of the four - a choice on Sunday and an inability due to Andreas' work on Friday and Monday. We bought spotter's tickets - the best tickets available to the public and the ones photographers get. There was no shade; the meals were almost non-existent; and the place had nearly 200k people at it - meaning you couldn't really move about in the public areas to even buy a drink. Lines were over a hundred people deep. Plus, the air show itself was rather disorganized in the air.


Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Doggy Advent Calendars

Our "get the dogs to a park to play with other dogs" person gave us calendars for the three we have. They love them. Grayson, of course, gets the big one - though I think the treats for the littles actually have more in them. Thank you Angelika, the pups love them.


Sunday, December 31, 2023

Leather Smalls

Smalls that came with the bags. I'm already using some of them. I love the journals.


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Last of the Bags

Last bags I've bought this year. The green is what I am currently carrying; it will be switched out in the next day or two.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Blooming Orchid

The orchid that Leonora got me last year is blooming again. It looks so pretty, and it's staying good, too.


Friday, December 22, 2023

Little Totes

The results of my little crossbody mystery box from Portland Leather Goods. I'm pretty happy. Going to be using them.


Marine Ball Gifts

Bottle opener challenge coins from the Marines this year.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Stuff from Science Museum

Some of my favorite parts of the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry were closed last month when we visited, but we did get to see the textile room. Picked up a few souvenirs.


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Gifts from Stela

Stela was in Warsaw for a concert and we met up. She gave me this beautiful book that I helped edit and some candies to remember Moldova. It was great seeing her again.


Friday, December 15, 2023

Gift from Mary Ann

Mary Ann's son is now in Poland! He brought these gifts from the Philippines for us. Thank you!


Gift from Andy

Andy and his wife gave us this truly awesome rude food. It's fried brown sugar and tastes great, even if it looks like it shouldn't be in mixed company.


Monday, December 11, 2023


This is Polish-made Legacy Gin. It is sooo good. The floral notes are dominant with an undertow of juniper.


KitKat Box

Decided to try Japanese KitKats from ZenPop. Have yet to get around to opening them.


Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Gift from Alina

Alina brought me Moldovan wine and this cute wood cutout when she came for an exchange of experience last year. I love it.


Garage Sale Frames

I picked up these frames at a garage sale. They will have stitching put in them eventually. Didn't know Poland had sales like this until I walked past this one.


Monday, December 04, 2023

Fab Fit Fun Winter Box

Lots of skincare in this box. Andreas claims I'm collecting bento boxes. I think I will use these things.


Saturday, December 02, 2023

Thanksgiving Cookie

One of the cookies the embassy cafeteria gave out with Thanksgiving dinner. It's kind of cute.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Cyclamen from Leonora

Leonora got me this beautiful plant. Thank you, Leonora! We miss you!