I got part one done in plenty of time and I still like the colors. It will look autumn-ish. Now to wait for the next bit.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Started Filling In
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Still on Specialty Stitches
Old is Back...
This is the last of my pre-Christmas rotation to be added back into the circle. It's Tiramisu and it's a correspondence course from EGA - one which I, of course, didn't finish on time. I'm on the eighth of twelve bands now. The middle of the eighth band is upside down. I accidentally had the picture upside down when I started stitching it, and well.... it doesn't look bad upside down.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Stripy Progress on Poirot
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Rounding it out Again
The medium green scallops are toning down the measles some. Once I'm done with these, it'll be time to start another circle, I think. Round and round it goes...
cross stitch,
over one
Building from the Bottom Up
Monday, January 26, 2009
My Fourth Finish of the Year
Surprising myself, I've gotten a lot of things finished so far this year. I just hope it continues. This is Orna Willis' Midnight Garden, and I finished it just over a week ago. The main problem I had with it was the French knots. They tried to pull themselves out even after I was done with them. I like the look of it still and might stitch it again in another colorway in a couple of years.
Another Mysterie
This is the third German stitching group start of the month. It's by Tam of Tam's Creations and is in nine parts. This is the first, and once again I switched up the colors and used Vikki Clayton's fabric and floss. I'm really trying to stash stitch this year. I think the colors look pretty good. This one's going to be quicker than the other two because a part comes out every ten days.
cross stitch,
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Last of the Light Red
Last of the Asian Nights
This is the block after my work. Since the theme is anything Asian, I added noshi ribbons (for good fortune, a Japanese tradition) to the top left. They came out better than I thought they would. I used colors already on the block for the ribbons and tacked them down with beads. On the far right, and it's a little hard to see, I added a bead seam treatment; its inspiration was the simple geometric designs found in Asian art.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Back to the Man
Time for some more outlining and filling in. The outlining goes so much quicker because there's less of it, but the filling in is just that - no having to count or anything.
cross stitch
Friday, January 23, 2009
New Group Project
My German stitching group has started a new project (again). Yes, it's the second of three! projects they've started this month. This one is called Zentangle and is designed by Elke Reiss. I have the complete outline of part one done and just neeed to fill in the middle with blackwork. I went waaaay outside my normal color choices on this, using a piece of Vikki Clayton's linen I had around and yet another mystery spool of hers. I like the way the colors go together.
cross stitch,
Playing in the Middle
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Second Inside Done
The Wheels on the Ornament
go round and round, round and round... yep more Jessica. This time it's the big dark one. I finished Midnight Garden last night, so this piece is the next on my accelerated stitching list. I'm halfway done now and I just need to finish it. Considering that it's so small, if I work a little on it every day, I should have it done in a couple of weeks. The counting can be frustrating sometimes, but I do like the look of it.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
It's Got Measles
At least, that's what it looks like to me. I stitch over one in a modified continental, so it's very hard to frog. Guess I'll just work around mistakes as I find them. It's coming along pretty well, I think.
cross stitch,
over one
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Gardening on Winter Days
Peeking Out the Windows
Monday, January 19, 2009
White's Done
Round Robin Complete
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A Face
completed! Even if it is one only a mother could love ... Bibendum's coming along. He's so easy to work on it's calming, especially when I have all the black done and just need to fill in the white. If anyone finds other Bibendum needlework designs out there, please tell me.
cross stitch
Friday, January 16, 2009
Half a Frame
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Oh Say Can You...
see the star? This is the first part of a design from my Marquoir German language stitching group. I changed up the colors somewhat, as usual, and used Vikki Clayton's silks. There was a lot of blackwork in this first section. We're being given 24 sections over a year to finish. Before you get a new section, you have to show them you've finished the previous. It keeps me motivated to keep up and not let it linger as a UFO.
cross stitch,
Guess Who? Jessica
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Gardening Along
A Little Red
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Little Cherries
So I'm still working on this over one, and it's going okay. The big thing is clipping ends and stopping and starting so the colors don't show through the back. It's especially important with the red and dark green. A lesson in being careful!
cross stitch,
over one
Monday, January 12, 2009
Bibendum has a hand! This is almost mindlessly easy to do when stitching the white, as it's just filling in the outlines. It's going fairly quickly, though, and he gets more and more personality with each stitch, so he's fun.
cross stitch
One Garden Done
I'm sorry this post's so late in the day - I had a busy, nonstitching one.
One full garden motif is done and a second one on its way to completion. The Rhodes stitches take a lot of floss because they're huge and fat - two strands of floss in every intersection. It's good to have a part of it truly done, at least. I could, I guess, do this one quarter at a time and get to other parts more quickly, but then I'd have to go back and do it four more times. Better, in my mind, to do it all and get it over with.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Road is Cobbled
Yay, another finish! I got it done on Tuesday. Not even two weeks into the year and two finishes. Not bad. This, if you remember, is Cobblefield Road by Jean Hilton, taught by Ro Pace as a cyberclass oh ... a year and a half ago? The major thing I did wrong with it - and no, I'm not going to change it - is misplace the upper/lower border. It's off by one thread. I'm not going to let it cause me anxiety and redo the whole border, though. I think it looks fine. This piece stretched me with a few of the stitches, and the Edmar threads were awful to work with. They kink and twist no matter how careful you are. They did add some shine to the finished product, though.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
A Couple of Colors
I'm still not to the fun part (the specialty stitches) yet, but the outline is coming along, if slowly. One day, maybe, I'll start finishing things more quickly when I get fewer than ten pieces in my rotation. On a bright spot, that's -all- the pieces in my rotation at the moment. I've let it balloon up to as many as fifteen before. Talk about feeling like you've made no progress!
cross stitch
Friday, January 09, 2009
Circles in a Line
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Stitching Along
I'm leading a stitchalong for CyberPointers, and I chose this piece to stitch for it. Orna Willis graciously gave us permission and is even taking part in the Yahoo group! I'm so grateful for that, and everyone in the group is benefitting from her expertise. The design is up on the Caron site as a promotion for their Waterlilies line. I like the way it's looking so far. Others are trying different color combinations. I'm interested in seeing how they turn out.
Midi Framed
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Adding Some Windows
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Lightening Up a Little
Monday, January 05, 2009
Yes, It's Tiny
This is another new start after all the end of year finishes. It's called Petite Monogramme aux Griottes and is a kit from Rouge du Rhin. It was in my stash and on top, so it got grabbed. What's special about this one is that it's completely over one. I'll probably finish it into a pinkeep when I'm done, though I think the initial in the middle's going to be a charm instead.
cross stitch,
over one
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Honey, Your Curves are Showing
cross stitch
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Summer Song Framed
I finished this over the summer, and my husband finished framing it yesterday. He did his usual excellent job. My daughter wanted this, so it's hers. I hope she takes care of it.
No Longer a Mystery
Friday, January 02, 2009
Every New Beginning is Another Beginning's End...
This is the beginning of Chatelaine's Workshop 01, a specialty stitch tutorial. The stitch to be done - Jessicas. I just started, so haven't done any yet, but there are a lot on this small piece. As I've been finishing pieces, I've been able to start new ones. It's great to get something fresh on the plate.
Tuscan Update
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Goals for 2009
I wonder if I can be a bit more realistic in my goals for this year. I hope so! Anyway, here they are, in no particular order:
1. Finish Medieval Town Mandala. Doable, probably.
2. Make significant progress on my other Chatelaines, including finishing Workshop 1.
3. Complete Diamond Iris, an ANG Chapter Project Book project - this MUST be done by July 1, as I'm teaching it for CyberPointers.
4. Complete Midnight Garden by Orna Willis - the stitchalong I'm leading for CyberPointers. It starts Saturday.
5. Finish Bibendum.
6. Make 20 ornaments. These will probably be mostly temari.
7. Complete Cobblefield Road - this should be quick, as I'm about nine tenths of the way there.
8. Make a stocking for my husband.
9. Work The Traveler by Teresa Wentzler and the house by Barbara and Cheryl into my rotation.
10. Complete Lady of the Flag.
11. Do one crewel piece and one goldwork piece.
12. Make myself a purse.
13. Keep my rotation to ten pieces, no more.
14. Finish at least two UFO's and old WIP's.
15. Reduce my stash significantly.
I hope I can do all these!
1. Finish Medieval Town Mandala. Doable, probably.
2. Make significant progress on my other Chatelaines, including finishing Workshop 1.
3. Complete Diamond Iris, an ANG Chapter Project Book project - this MUST be done by July 1, as I'm teaching it for CyberPointers.
4. Complete Midnight Garden by Orna Willis - the stitchalong I'm leading for CyberPointers. It starts Saturday.
5. Finish Bibendum.
6. Make 20 ornaments. These will probably be mostly temari.
7. Complete Cobblefield Road - this should be quick, as I'm about nine tenths of the way there.
8. Make a stocking for my husband.
9. Work The Traveler by Teresa Wentzler and the house by Barbara and Cheryl into my rotation.
10. Complete Lady of the Flag.
11. Do one crewel piece and one goldwork piece.
12. Make myself a purse.
13. Keep my rotation to ten pieces, no more.
14. Finish at least two UFO's and old WIP's.
15. Reduce my stash significantly.
I hope I can do all these!
stitch goals
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