Last December, I posted my stitching goals for this year ( It's time to call myself to account and see how I did.
1. Complete the Medieval Town Mandala. I started it in May of 2006 and have been working steadily on it since then. It's about time it was done.
Not done, but I did make progress on it throughout the year.
2. Work two pieces that have been languishing for over a year into my rotation. Both are quite a ways toward completion. One is The Traveler by Teresa Wentzler. The other is a Barbara and Cheryl house.
Still not done, but will be in my rotation as I complete things in January.
3. Finish Crewel Choices. This has an actual deadline of the end of January.
4. Finish Celtic Knot. This one also has a deadline of the beginning of March. It's for my in-laws' 50th wedding anniversary.
5. Complete an ornament a month. It doesn't matter the method. Just make an ornament each month instead of bunching them all up at the end of the year.
Well, I did end up doing twelve, but they were bunched up at the end of the year and were mostly temari. I'm going to try to get better this coming year.
6. Complete the Take It Further Challenge. This means incorporating whatever the challenge is into a piece every month.
I managed to complete the January one and then got snowed under with other things.
7. Complete, on time, the two GCC's I've signed up for that start in the next couple of weeks. One is the 17th Century English Sampler and the other one is the Swiss Sampler.
English Sampler was completeded - Swiss Sampler was not started.
8. Make a new stocking for my husband. His got fused together in our last move and it's not well finished. He needs a new one.
Not yet started.
9. Complete Lady of the Flag to be raffled for charity.
Significant progress, but not finished.
10. Make significant progress on the Chatelaine pieces I'm working on that are not specificially listed otherwise in these goals.
Made progress on Tuscany but not the Victorian Garden.
11. Complete Midi Mystery 2. It was started in July of 2006. About time I got it done.
Done as of a couple of days ago.
12. Make one goldwork piece.
Did not make, BUT ... I received Luck of the Irish with its kit in the mail a couple of days ago. It will go into my rotation also in March.
13. Stitch Velo Bibendum for my husband. I haven't made anything specifically for him in a while. It's time.
It's started.
14. Make myself a purse. I don't have a single item of stitching that I wear or carry with me that's completed.
Not yet started.
15. Stitch a design created by my daughter Tory.
Done! It's the project for CyberPointers' January program.
Obviously, I could have done better. On the other hand, I could have done worse. Overall, I completed 48 pieces this year, including some big ones. I'll write my goals for next year tomorrow. They'll probably be overly ambitious too, but what's the worth of a goal if you don't try to stretch yourself?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Triangular Additions
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
After Two and a Half Years...

All But the Beading
One More Stripe
Jeanne's Seamy Side
Yet another holiday finish to show you- I finished my work on Jeanne's block for the On the Seamy Side round robin. This is my last block to work on, and I had a bit of a problem - all that was left to work on seam-wise was a teeny two inch seam. I did it, though. I also did a flower in the stitch of the month - Cretan stitch. Then i added a ribbon around her tree because the center looked a little naked compared to the rest. The ribbon's actually the tie from Rose Anne's Christmas cracker that she sent me. I hope Jeanne likes the block. i think it looks really pretty.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Lovely Gift
The cats' grandparents sent me a present for Christmas! It's a lovely group of fibers from Stitching Bits and Bobs. Aren't they pretty? So many varieties too. I'll have to think on how to put them to best use. Thank you!
Back on the Road
I pulled this back out and into my rotation again, too! As you can see, it's very close to being done. I added the satin stitches in the middle of the medallion and all the smyrna crosses around it. I also fixed the triangular stitches that had pulled out in the major band above it.
All that's left to do on this is finish the outer border, four stars around the medallion, smyrnas around the medallion, and the two bottom corners of this bottom band. I hope to get it done by February.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Return of the Man!
cross stitch
Slowly I Progress...
As you know, I fell behind on this while I was out in October and early November. I've been slowly closing the gap, and in this picture I'm on part seventeen of twenty. In the past week since this picture was taken, I've completed parts seventeen and eighteen and am working on part nineteen. It'll be done early in the new year.
Finish 25
Here it is - the 25th and final finish of my challenge! I decided to just get it done last time I dragged it out, even though there was quite a bit more to go. I -think- it's going to be framed. Anyway, there were a lot of little specialty stitches in it and, once those were done, it went rather quickly.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Temari Star
project challenge,
All Cracked Up
Lyn sent me a pretty medieval block with a lady in the middle. My daughter's already claimed it; it's getting made into a pillow for her once I'm done embellishing it. She spent about twenty minutes last night deciding what charms and stuff were going to go on it. Thanks, Lyn!
I hope everyone who got what I sent likes their goodies, too.
crazy quilting,
Seamy Side Home
My seamy side round robin block came home to me late last week. Doesn't it look neat with all the additions on it? The ladies who worked on it did such a good job! Thank you Kerry, Jeanne, Bonnie, Clairee, and Candi! Now I need to figure out what to make from it.
crazy quilting,
round robin
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Cross Stitches Done
Yay! I've finally finished all the cross stitches on this! Now all that's left is the specialty stitching for the last part and then all the beads for the whole piece. I feel like I can get it done before the end of the year and let it get framed. It'll be the largest Chatelaine piece I've finished yet, and the second one I ever started. The first one I started is the Medieval Town Mandala. It's only taken me two and a half years to get this done.
Framed Joyeux Noel

cross stitch,
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ice Crystal Temari
project challenge,
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Another Favorite Thing
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Beginning to Round the Corners
Friday, December 19, 2008
One Corner Complete
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Six Stars on Top
I finally finished the top row here. Those six stars were hard to do and took a lot of time for each because they got so thick it was hard to see the threads underneath the stitching. Anyway, the rest should go more quickly now (I hope!). There's really not that much more to do.
cross stitch
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Rolling Along
project challenge,
Weaving a Diamond
Candy Cane Temari
project challenge,
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Another Outline
Monday, December 15, 2008
Return of the Lady
Sunday, December 14, 2008
In the Pink
Saturday, December 13, 2008
January Project Book Sleeve
Received in Exchange
At the chapter meeting Monday, I got this cute little ornament in exchange for my temari ball. It's from Angela, and Joan got my temari. I've now been asked to teach temari making....
Ornament Complete
cross stitch,
Easy as ABC
Friday, December 12, 2008
Four Stars
I'm up to four stars of the six at the top. They're a pain to do because of how they're made, but I've got the majority done. Made a little progress on the stars at the bottom, too. I think the problem I'm having with all the progress bit is that there are pieces like this, Poirot, and the ornament that are just taking so long - because I work on them in rotation instead of alone.
cross stitch
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Over Halfway There
Here Solo de Noel is halfway done. As I write, I'm putting the finishing stitches on it. Yay! Another ornament before Christmas! It'll be my very last and I'm pushing over to my normal rotation again now. I really like the colors I chose; the fabric and the thread give a kind of old look to it.
cross stitch,
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Adding Tiny Sparkles
Then and Now

Remember that cute little puppy I brought home from Kosovo in June? I decided it was time for an update. The inset picture is from June, while she was still in Kosovo. Each of the tiles she's sitting on is about ten inches square. The larger picture is her a few weeks ago, picking sticks. She's still adorable and sweet and loving, but growing! Right now, she's close to a hundred pounds and comes up to mid-thigh when standing. Isn't she still cute, though? She's still got a lot of growing to do, as she's only seven months old. I love her!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Starting to Skirt
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