Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thank You Nita
cross stitch,
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Little Sky
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Third Way
All Lacy-ed Up
I completed part two of Tam's Christmas Mystery and will start part three when I get around to it again in my stitchalong rotation. I like the way it looks, but all those Algerian eyelets were a pain!
cross stitch,
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
It's a Frame Up
Friday, September 25, 2009
More Than Thirty
I've done more than 30 rows of this so far. It's going slow, of course, like everything else, but it's not going to be an all red middle forever, I promise.
cross stitch,
over one
Still Circling Around
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Crossed Out
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
One Jelly Bellied
Other than that, I -did- complete the first jellyfish! I didn't do the trailing stitch because I didn't find the instructions, and instead did an outline stitch. I think it looks pretty good anyway. On to the next.
Jelly Bellies,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Closing In
cross stitch
Monday, September 21, 2009
Top Line Done
Falling Snow
Part two of Tam's Christmas Mystery got started this week. As you can see, it's a bunch of Algerian eyelets and backstitching. Tedious, but the effect is very nice and lacy. I'm already so far behind on this, but I'd rather keep the rotation on the SAL's and get progress on them all.
cross stitch,
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Two Down, Two to Go
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Eighth Part Done
I'm officially on the right month again for See the Stars. I finished the eighth part last week. Lots of stitching for each piece on this! I like the way it looks, though.
cross stitch,
There's a Red Theme Here
I did more red this week, of course. Almost all of this bookmark is one shade of it or another. I'm over 30 rows in now, though, and making some progress.
cross stitch,
over one
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Third Dodecagon
Up on the Roof
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Chenille Blanket
Second Heart
I finished the second part of Herz Rot-Weiss yesterday, and already have the third part to do. I like these colors with the pattern; to me, it looks old and like stained glass.
cross stitch,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Lots of One Color
Curves and Squares
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
This is a project called "Jelly Bellies" by Caela Conn Tyler. It was to be taught at the EGA seminar this year, but didn't make. I saw the finished piece at last year's seminar and thought it'd be a good and fun piece to do. I liked it. I didn't sign up for it at seminar, though, because it didn't fit in my schedule. So... San Bernadino chapter of ANG was doing this as a pilot class, and I ghosted. This was last spring. I started it, and ran into some trouble with the directions. I put it aside, but just now added it back into my rotation. My first working on this piece since then went swimmingly well. I felt none of the frustration I'd felt earlier.
I asked Ms. Tyler if I could blog this piece, since it was a pilot, and she said yes, so here it is! I'm hoping to work more on it today and will continue it in my rotation until it's done. I really like the look of it, and thank Ms. Tyler for her design work and her permission.
So far, I've put down gauze for waves and some Angelina fiber for the first jellyfish, then stitched over the Angelina. The base layer of the first jellyfish is done and now I need to add more on top.
Jelly Bellies,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Still in the Middle
Most of this week's stitching was in the middle of the compass, getting it fleshed out. The center circle is done, and I'm almost done with the east and west points.
cross stitch
Glazing a Window
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Last of this Round
crazy quilting,
round robin
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Another Artist Started
This looks exactly like Sargent so far because it is. It's going to start being different soon, though. This one's called Cassatt and is from the same series from Kick Back and Stitch. I made significant progress on this when I went to the ballgame on Sunday.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Nearly Egged
Thursday, September 10, 2009
All Laddered Up
Return to the Stars
See the Stars came back around in my stitchalong rotation this week. There's a lot of stitching in this part, but I hope to have it done fairly soon, as there's no backstitching. Lots left to do on this project, as it's to continue for another year and a half.
cross stitch,
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
cross stitch,
over one
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
It Looks Dark
Monday, September 07, 2009
It's a Snowflake
I completed the first part of Tam's Mystery, which she's named "As the Snow Falls" and it's the verry middle. Looks like a snowflake to me. I'll start on the second part after I finish part eight of See the Stars and my next installment of Kaleidoscope Mandala. My hope is to have it done for Christmas.
cross stitch,
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Bye Bye Maryland
Well, it doesn't look like Maryland anymore, but I'm making some pretty good progress. I do a needleful of floss a day on it. It's all just cross stitch and is getting pretty speedy because I'm about to enter pretty much an all red zone, all the same color.
cross stitch,
over one
Whatever Goes Around...
crazy quilting,
round robin
Friday, September 04, 2009
One Heart Done
I got the first part of my heart stitchalong done. There are a -lot- of hearts in it, though, and I've got to rotate through all the other stitchalongs before getting to part two. I do like the way the colors look, though.
cross stitch,
Over Halfway
cross stitch
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Fireside Stitchery
If you look at Monday's post, you'll see that I ran out of a couple of threads while working on Sargent. The kit was from Fireside Stitchery, and I did not contact them about the problem. I was away, it was a travel project, I picked up some extra while out at a couple of shops. So imagine my surprise when I got an email yesterday from Maria DeSimone, the owner of Fireside Stitchery. She apologized for the thread shortage and wrote nicely about this blog. She also offered me a discount on my next purchase to help with the problem of having had to buy more thread.
I have ordered several times from Fireside Stitchery and found them very helpful, but I didn't imagine this! Thank you, Maria.
I have ordered several times from Fireside Stitchery and found them very helpful, but I didn't imagine this! Thank you, Maria.
customer service
Cycling Off
Yup, another finish this week! I completed Bibendum. My husband's really happy with how he looks, and already has started the framing process. He's got the board to lace it on and order its mats. That makes me feel good.
cross stitch,
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Yet Another Stitchalong
cross stitch,
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Another Workshop Done
I've been working more on the workshop and decided to finish it too this week (see a theme here?). I've been feeling like I needed to make more progress, so I've been finishing up my smaller things. I always feel a need to get things done with the coming of autumn.
Anyway, I learned something from this project - that I could manipulate rice stitches in different ways; they don't have to all be square and one or two colors. I like the way this turned out, too. I'll be starting on workshop three some time soon.
cross stitch,
workshop 02
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