Sunday, December 02, 2007

A Commitment for Next Year

Here it is December's beginning and I'm already committing to things for next year. Woe is me! I always overcommit. I've already signed up for the Celtic Mystery from Chatelaine Designs, will be leading a group for EGA's 17th Century Sampler for my local chapter, and I talked myself into Sharon B's "Take It Further" challenge. And that's on top of what I've already got started. I'm determined to get a lot done next year. I did get quite a bit accomplished this year, even if day to day it doesn't look like much. What are you thinking about doing next year with your stitching?

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Another Round Robin Started

I'm back to my more regular round robin now and trying to play catch up. This is a calendar round robin; mine was Lizzie Kate. This person chose Margaret Sherry's zodiac. It seems to be made up all of cats. There was a hold for Libra with everything around it done, so I decided to do that one. I want to mail it out by Friday, so I'll be working on it quite a bit this week.

Friday, November 30, 2007

More Filling

I did some more filling this week, all of it blue. It's actually getting pretty close to having all the cross stitches done in the garden area because of the number of specialty stitches and beads. I'm getting there. Slowly, but it's happening. Of course, tomorrow I'll be yet another month behind.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Another Golden Week

Another week where I only added gold, but now the golden seam around the quadrant is complete and it's easy to see that I've truly turned the corner on this one now. I'm pretty certain I'll get this quadrant done before Christmas. It's almost time for me to set my stitching goals for the next year. I think one of them will be to complete this.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Almost to the Edge

I feel like I made a lot of progress on the Lady this week because I almost got to the other edge of the design. True. I didn't fill in much, so I'm not -certain- it's all accurately counted, but that's what I'll be doing next.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Another Section Down

Another section done on this, and since this picture, the last sections on the ends of the cross arms are done. Next is a big woven stitch in each of the corners of the arms. It's getting there!

Another Ornament Done

I finished this one yesterday, and it's probably my last finish of the week. I got it all beaded and sewed it up. Even though every single fabric is the same as those used in the first one, it came out totally different due to the embellishing process. It counts as number eighteen on my project challenge. At this rate, I might even finish the challenge before the new year. W00t! This one's going for an exchange for Cyberstitchers. I hope whoever it ends up with likes it.