Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Tenth Part

The tenth part is done.  Time to start the Tassensampler, since it's next in the rotation.

Friday, August 13, 2010

At the Beginning

Yay, I'm at the top of the sampler.  I'll have this done fairly soon, too.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Walls Done

Finally!  I'm done with all the block walls.  Now I can go on and finally do the fun stuff. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Peaches No Green

I got a lot of the area around the potted plant done, but none of it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blue and Gray

More of the backstitching is finished; the flowers on the lower left are about done.  I also added some green metallic and some gray to the outer part. 

A Random Temari

Well, I had an itch to do a temari a week or so ago.  It went pretty well, and I made this out of some of my Weeks win.  All the perle cotton used on this was from them, and is size five.  Even though I didn't really follow the pattern I wanted to make properly, I like the results.  And Weeks is good for temari, too!

Monday, August 09, 2010

More Stash

We went to the market last week and I hadn't hit up my ribbon dealer in a while, so we did.  This is what I found!