Wednesday, July 11, 2012

World Trade Center

 I've visited the World Trade Center periodically for most of my life.  Since I tend to take the PATH into NYC, and it comes up under it, there's always a chance to look around.  Andreas snapped a few pictures as we made our way to the subway stop.  it's grown a -lot- since the last time we saw it.


...I get tired of confetti stitches; especially when it's one stitch in a certain color for twenty or more rows.  There's a lot of that in this piece.  On the other hand, it's mostly done!

Trees And Water

This week it was all trees and water on the castle.  

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


CyberStitchers has a challenge/stitchalong to finish the Little Gem project from Stitch! (the UK embroiderers' guild magazine).  I've been remiss and only gotten this far.  It's due in a few days, and it's a really quick stitch, so I might be able to finish it.

Appetizers At TGIFriday's

After having such a huge lunch at the Italian place, we decided that just a light meal was a good idea for dinner.  There was a TGIFriday's near the hotel, so that's where we went.  The food had spice and flavor, but nothing stood out as spectacular.  That could have been because we weren't really hungry.  

Part Four Sprung

Part five came in the email yesterday, so it's time to start working on this again.  I've had a week off, since I completed part four early.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Leaves And Lines

This piece is small enough that there's still visible progress each time I work on it, despite the huge chunk of time it's taking overall.  I did manage to get some yellow vines and some leaves done this time, along with a bit of the last flower.