Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Four Done Here Too

I got four sections done on this one too!

French Aerobatic Team

 I forgot the name of the French aerobatic team and Andreas lost the paper where I -wrote -all- the acts in the air show in order.... anyway, they were pretty good but no where near the level of the Thunderbirds.... of course, due to sequestration, all American military presence was canceled.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Four Rows Done

I have four of the ten rows done.  It's kind of boring because it's the same stitch over and over and over again.

Airbus A 350 Sighting

 The first plane we saw aloft at the air show was the second flight of the Airbus A 350.  It was huge, and the wings seemed to flex in the weather.  Really beautiful to watch, though.

Sunday, September 01, 2013


This week's work included adding some fencing on the left and starting some strawberries.  It's some easy to see progress, which makes me happy.

Air And Space

France's national air and space museum is at LeBourget, and these two rockets stand outside it.  Even they were surrounded by aircraft on display.  The large plane is an old Antonov from the Ukraine and the sleek black one is the new Russian fighter.  Tomorrow, some pictures of flight.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Past Half

I have merely to add the medallion on the end to be done with this side of the row.  Yay!