Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fabric Indulgence

While looking for Thai food in Frankfurt, we came across a fabric shop.  Don't you hate it when that happens?  We went in, of course, and I found these two pieces in the remnants bin.  They're both wonderful feeling and about a meter each.

A Crazy Finish

It's been a while, but I finally finished one of my crazy January starts.  It's Bluebonnet Blooms by Redbird Designs and now I want to make it into a flat fold.

Compote At Kompot

 A while after dinner, we had dessert and compote at Kompot.  The place is only a couple of restaurants down from Steakhouse, but truly, there was a lot of walking in between.  Compote is pretty easy to make.  You boil water, split fruit, add fruit to a jar, add some sugar, and pour the boiling water over it.  Then you let it sit a while.  You can can it and it will stay good over the winter, or chill it and drink it immediately.  It's the eastern European equivalent of sun tea.

I had a cappucino in a glass without a handle.  That was a bit hot!  We also had ice cream and cake.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Not Seen In The US

This photo was taken at the entrance to a major department store in Frankfurt, right on the Zeil ... the main pedestrian shopping street downtown.  Notice the great dane coming out of the store.  Somehow, I don't think I would see such a thing in the US.  If Mattie weren't so skittish around crowds, I might be tempted  to take her out shopping with me.

The Letter C

The actual letter is done, but there's something to put in the middle.  This is my "to work on daily" project at the moment, so it might be done in another week.  Yay!

Dinner (With Friends) At Steakhouse Odessa

We had dinner after we got in to Odessa at Steakhouse.  It was pretty good, and we had beggars.  Two dogs really wanted bits of our steaks. They were very polite and stuck around for about half the meal. 

 The red drink is iced tea.  In the pitcher is lemonade.  Two salads and a soup for four people, and various kinds of bread.  To tell the doneness of the steaks, the cooks brand pieces of zucchini with the type.  Kind of cute.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Pretty Pottery

A little while back a potter came to sell her wares at the embassy.  These pieces are what I bought.  They look more beautiful in person!