Saturday, November 09, 2013

Foofie Ribbon

Found this ribbon in Frankfurt.  I think it'll look good on something.

Trouville Market On A Summer Weekday

 Trouville's market is twice weekly; the weekday one is much less crowded than the weekend one!  We walked it a couple of days after getting to Trouville, and it was a lovely, if slightly chilly, July day.  The photos speak of the bounty for themselves.

Friday, November 08, 2013

Adding The Frills

The big outline is getting outlined itself.  There are little green details all over it now.  I've also added flower bases at the top of each pillar.

Fresh Fish

No idea who the guy is in this top photo; he was just there when Andreas took the picture.  Anyway... Trouville has a fish market on the quay.  It's open every day bar Sunday, and there are about eight or ten vendors.  The main attraction is fresh caught shellfish from boats that pull up.  Since I don't eat much in the way of seafood, I merely admired the display.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

A Sweetheart Tree Start

This is the beginning of Bumbler-Bees, a Sweetheart Tree kit.  It looks like it's small enough to finish soon.  Well, soon in my estimation, at least.

In Trouville

 This is Trouville-sur-Mer's city hall.  It's a rather fancy fin de siecle building that has a beautiful clock.  The carousel is from the same era and beautifully restored.  Yes, I'm back to my holiday in July's pictures.  Someone finally processed a few more.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Leaves In Place

The last leaves are well on their way to being done, and the trunk is growing downward.