Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Feeling Progress

The lower quadrants of the square are coming along and I've even started the outer fencing of the lower part, too.  I'm at a point where I feel like I'm making a lot of progress often.

Outdoors At The Factory

The Kvint factory has some surprisingly lovely grounds.  The building facades, not so much.  Anyway, photos of some of their gardens and their aviary.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Making Some Waves

I'm working on a satin stitch band now; it's made up of three different rows.  After this, it's back to backstitching.

Science Geeking In The Museum

Our final destination in Transnistria was the Kvint factory.  At the museum, I kind of geeked out with all the science-y stuff.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Nearing The Corner

I am also nearly to the top left medallion.  It's going to be much easier to stitch once it's done.

Old, Old Graves

 The tiny church at Bender is a modern jewel, reflecting that, in the end, this graveyard is a political statement.  The place is as new as the church; most of the graves were moved here at the end of the hot portion of the Transnistrian war.  They had been closer to the fortress itself.  Their markers were moved with them and other, newer, more legible markers put up too.

The statement of this graveyard is "We are Russian.  We paid for this place in blood."  It's also only a couple of miles from the Russian military installation.

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Bucket Stripe

Outside of the backstitching, the bucket stripe is done.  Time to move on to some shells.