Thursday, February 26, 2015

On To Nobil

Had a group lunch at Nobil Hotel on Martin Luther King Day.  It was a good experience, and it's still nearly unbelievable that you can get food of this quality plus a drink for 150 lei (around $9).  This special is only on weekdays at lunch, but it's still spectacular.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Two Flowers

Two flowers done now on the border.

To The Left

More background done on the left.  Things are taking shape.  There's so much, so it's hard to see progress.

Snowy Puppy

 Mattie loved the snow in mid December.  Unfortunately, we haven't had much snow this year.  This is especially unfortunate because Mattie will not be seeing snow again for at least two years.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

No More Red

I'm done with the red part now!  Yay!  This means I'm pretty close to being done.

January Carnations Done

Yay, my first finish from my 2015 Crazy January!  It's also the first month done on the flower of the month stitchalong, and I have eleven more to go.  Each of these flowers has a large amount of stitching in the middle, so this is going to turn out to be a lot of work.

Pizza At Paradise

As usual on our way from Romania, we stopped in Birlad for pizza when driving back from Sighisoara.  The pizza and service were as good as usual, even though the summer terrace was closed.