The cranes and the moldering ships look lonely out in the bay. I wonder what they would say if they could talk. Tall skeletons without purpose line the shore.
Not much goes on at Luanda's docks anymore. There's a refinery and some cargo ships do come in with containers, but most days there might be one ship docked. Very sad to see all those cranes without work to do.
This is a bit I designed myself. It says, "Shake it like Jiffy Pop." That's what I say to my dog almost every morning as she gets up and stretches. It was for a Little Extra for CyberStitchers EGA.
I stopped working on this on the first, and yet I made a lot of progress before then! While the side gargoyles aren't quite finished, the pedestals they sit on are started. I'll be taking this with me on the trip, so maybe more will be done.
These ships and others sit out in the middle of the harbor and rust away. No care is taken of them. Many are abandoned by their corporate owners. The harbor itself, with all the ship-litter, mirrors the town. Everything is trashed and nothing is preserved or recycled.