Sunday, November 06, 2016

Doesn't Look Like Much

I've managed to get the tail mostly done now, plus some more grass in the picture.  There were also some rhodes stitches done this time.

Indulging My Love Of Cow Fur

I know I'm weird, but I'm Texan.  I love the feel and look of cow fur.  Andreas helped my addiction by buying me this beautiful clutch.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

One Almost Done

This band's motifs are taking longer than all the others because they're so much bigger.  I'm at least getting some done.

Animal Buttons

I bought these at a little yarn shop in Frankfurt.  The owl and squirrel are definite keepers when I make them.

Friday, November 04, 2016

Greening Gargoyles

The gargoyle in the middle is beginning to appear, and the two beside him are almost done.

Birthday Gifts

I received birthday gifts in the same box as the anniversary gifts, as the dates are fairly close together.  So far, I've worn the necklace and will wear the earrings soon.  Need to find a use for the thread and fabric.  Thank you Betsy and Michael!

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Rainbow Sherbet Colors

I've got my Garden Gate in rotation now, and it's all done in sherbet colors.  I think it'll look pretty good when done.