Friday, November 11, 2016

On Sale From Nordic Needle

I bought these on sale early last month.  They arrived!  Will definitely be on my list to start next starting season.

One Rectangle At A Time

Another rectangle outlined and to be filled.  It's getting done slowly, but doing it this way, bit by bit, means it's at least getting done.


These are the signs outside the monument and the door for VIP's.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Stuff To Use

An Ipsy made it through pouch!  It even had an aerosol in it - one I've been wanting to try.  Just as I was on the verge of cancelling out of frustration, too.

Blued A Bit More

I worked a bit more on the blue scales and also on that big wing.  The piece is so wide now I don't look like I'm making much progress.

A Bit Of Indoctrination

 All countries indoctrinate their citizens, attempting to convince them toward patriotism and supporting the government.  American indoctrination includes senior trips to national monuments and parks, a requirement to learn US history, and song.  

Angola also indoctrinates, and this monument is one of the ways it does so.  The pergola shows a very victimhood version of Angolan history - exploitation until they threw off colonial bonds with the help of Neto.  After that, the bounty of Angola has benefited the natives of Angola and not outsiders.  It's a pretty piece of jingoism.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

A Star Emerges

This star has four legs now.  The stitching goes quickly, and I hope to have it done before Christmas.