Thursday, July 04, 2019

Four Eyes

The eyes are done on the fifth part. It's got a little more on edges to do before getting done and going on to the sixth.


I think maybe next time I'll be able  to finish the fourth tree and start on another part!

Second Side Windows

More windows on the second side now, and the second side of the bottom's garden is filling up nicely.

More Amsterdam Lights

After our pizza dinner, we walked through a lot of Amsterdam, seeing more lights and water in the dark. Also found a Uruguayo restaurant.

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Crown Near Done

This was a daily stitch for a bit and, as a result, a lot was accomplished! Most of the crown is done. Some of the counting is difficult because of the odd placements of some of the items.

Fourth Started

The fourth house is started, and the little chick on the right is done. I had some major frogging going on with this, so it looks like very little progress.

Ipsy June

While the full sized boxes are nice, I am disappointed they don't include the make up bag the smaller ipsys do. So, when I take my subscription back up in October, I'm going to transfer back to the smaller one.