Sunday, July 21, 2019


Did you know Fiskars were made in Finland? Neither did I! But they are, and our very thoughtful sponsorees gave me these straight from the factory. They're 100th anniversary edition in Finnish colors. Isn't this awesome? Thank you so much, Waddoups!

Snowy Mattie

Mattie enjoyed a snowstorm back in January. She came back as the snowdog.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Almost Half Way

I'm almost halfway done. I should be done today, IF I get time to stitch. It's been a bad week.

Finger Farda

I found a new great shop - in Finland! They ship worldwide and have a bunch of surface embroidery kits. The quality feels very good and I can't wait to start. Less than two weeks from order to DPO arrival.

Another Section!

With all the trees done, I can now start another section on the mandala. Feels good to start another area. This one is small, too.

Last Christmas Lights

Street photos from our last night in Amsterdam.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cozyblue July

I am acutely feeling my lack of time to stitch. I need to find more time somewhere.