Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bit Rotated

The photo is perpendicular to how it should be. But it does show that I've almost got the third side's garden done. This is a major accomplishment!

Trunk's Done

The trunk of the flower on the upper right is finally done. So are the blue leaf and flower. Motif by motif...

Stitchy Independence

Right now I have more boxes coming in than the ability to open them. So I tuck them in my closet, and when I finish one, the next one comes out. This one will wait a bit.

Teaching Temari

In February and March, I taught temari to a group of women in Mitrovica. It was a good experience for us all.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Stitchy Box Birthday Bash

This box was quite a bit more expensive than the others, and it supposedly has higher quality and more expensive things in it. Guess we'll find out.

Another Row Done

Outside of the motif backstitching, this row is done. Slowly getting there.

One Bell Done

Seven more bells to finish. I must be making progress. The spinner hasn't been very kind to this one, though.