Monday, February 24, 2020

Back To The Bird

This is back in the rotation and I made quite a bit of progress. Still a lot to do, but at least halfway done.


I decided  the only way this was going to get framed was to put it in a hoop. So I did. Doesn't look bad and about ten minutes of effort.

Airport Food

We had a meal at the Munich airport on our way home from Naples. It was far too expensive. This meal was over $60.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Most Of A Bird

I have most of a bird now. He needs wings. He's been my daily for a bit.


I now have one more ornament done after only a couple of sessions. It was a bit hard to get the diagonals placed, but it worked.

Cozyblue January

Pretty pattern for January. I need more time.

Moldovan Vodka

We found the good stuff in Naples.