Saturday, June 06, 2020

Random Ohrid Photos

These were taken almost exactly a year ago when we were at Lake Ohrid. It was beautiful and we had some mild showers.  The second photo is of an amphitheater they still use in the middle of town.

Thursday, June 04, 2020

A Cannon

There's a cannon under that tree! And the beginnings of an eagle and shield on the right.


The green horse head is started. And there are lots of swirly tails about.

Time For Fondue

When on home leave, we go  to Simply Fondue once. We went this time with the excuse that we hadn't had an anniversary dinner. This was it. It was good, too, and they had lemondrop martinis on sale with it.

Reflection Of Grayson

Grayson just before we left for Ohrid, in Macedonia. Reflected off our unused oven door.

Wednesday, June 03, 2020