Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Slowly Becoming An Eagle

There's an eagle emerging on the right and a cannon on the left.

Last Lunch At Esperanza

Last visit to Esperanza's before leaving Texas. I miss real Mexican food.

Ohrid Sunset

Sunset from the front porch of the house we rented in Ohrid.

Monday, June 22, 2020


It was time to work more of the dress, so it's growing along. Looks like it's almost time to get the second arm, too. Maybe some roses.

Guilder - Stitch Maynia #27

Yet another Ink Circles project with stash from around the house. We'll see how this goes.

Last Chance At Fried Pickles

The burger was good, but it was the fried pickles that made this meal. It was at one of the places on Seventh Street in Fort Worth. Bar area. But fried pickles. I think this was the last time I've had them. I wonder if I could make them.

By The Harbor

These photos were taken by Ohrid's harbor. They've made the area lush with vistas and garden plantings. The stray dogs love the plantings.