Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Peach And Green

Done with one more ornament! This one finished up pretty well.


Evidence Based Science by VanCityStitchCo - Work From Home #35

This is a small sampler that I already have a recipient for. Now to get it done.


Missing Belly

The second dragon is missing only his belly. The left hand seaweed is done, and there's a third dragon begun on the left, too.


Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Pretty Octagon

Another pretty little ornament finished. I'm feeling like I may have enough this year.


I started and finished this llama all on the same day. It's my first work from home finish!

Leafing Out

I have two and a half leaves done! It's getting to be a bit more done.


Bit Of Blue Flower

One whole flower done! And a second started.