Saturday, December 03, 2022

Most of a Hand

One corner is fully enclosed and the first hand is outlined. This looks like a pretty big piece this way.


Living Quarters

Living quarters for the monks, a refectory, and a well. It's hard to believe these photos were taken in January.


Map and Temple

The map shows excavated neighborhoods. There are several that are untouched. And the temple is one they are unsure of the god for, but it's big. Most likely Zeus or Neptune. And it was very warm even in the beginning of October.  It was here Andreas was called and asked which post he wanted to work at.


Orthodox and Classical

Some old pieces of archaeology showing the origins of Greece as a nation, including some battle scenes.


Friday, December 02, 2022

Pinking Leaves

Getting close to having the pink leaves done.


Happy and Confused

With their mouths done, left looks happy and right looks confused.


Right to Left

In order to get him done, I'm working the central frog right to left. He's done to the point of his forelegs.