Sunday, January 15, 2023

Vannulo Landscaping

Lots of farm stuff on the dairy farm. They grow a lot of veg and herbs for their restaurant, and you can see that even as late as October, it's bountiful. And pretty.


Crazy Horse Pub - Nis

On our way from Pristina to Belgrade, we stopped at the Crazy Horse Pub for lunch, a recommendation by Ranko. It was a good choice! We ate and geared up for the rest of the trip. Food was excellent and great preparation. I would have liked to explore Nis more, but we never got back there.


Friday, January 13, 2023

Almost Bulbed

This is getting so close to being done. 


Badgered Up

This is all done and I know who it will eventually go to. Do you remember this meme?


Ipsy 12 Days Advent

12 day advent calendar from Ipsy. I ended up with both because I forgot I had ordered it. Enough stuff to keep me for a while.


Hanging in the Hotel

So yes, the puppies learned how to relax in the Sheraton. They considered it as home for a while and truly adjusted well to the situation.


Where Does Bufala Mozzarella Come From?

Water buffalo! And you can visit a dairy farm that raises them and makes the mozzarella. The place is called Vannulo, and it's worth a visit. Look at the content buffalo. They have huge fields outside, too. The place is beautiful.