Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Finally Turning the Corner

A quarter of the last part's cross stitching done. Yay!


More Hive

Lots of hive to do, but a few more rows done.


Oliwa Church Inside

Pretty typical church for the area. It has such clean lines on the inside. All the vaulting.


Baby Emily's Gift

She will be born in May. Her mom likes gray and loved this. I think it came out pretty well, too!


Lots to Do

I really need to clean out my craft area (again) so I can get some things done. Thank you!


Papier Advent Calendar

Have to say I was pretty underwhelmed with this one. Two nice pens, but no good paperclips, and weird sticky notes.


Gift for Stephen

Stephen left in December, but I sent this to him in January so he will always remember Warsaw.