Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Restaurant Venezia - Steak On A Stone

Steak on a stone is evidently a popular dish in Angola, but not a native dish.  It's served at a few restaurants around town.  One restaurant that has made its name on the dish is Venezia.  Restaurant Venezia, on the inside, looks like an over-neoned melamine diner from the 1960's.  The steak is good, cooked on the stone, though.  Not so good reheated the next day.  Each person gets a stone.  Fries with an egg on them come as a side, and there are three sauces plus salt and pepper for your steak.  It's the garlic sauce that makes it good. We skipped the couvert here.  Overall, a good place to talk with friends if you go before the crowd makes the place too noisy.

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