Monday, June 03, 2019

Stitch Maynia #13: Spin Cycle

This little freebie from Ink Circles is going to use up one of my Jodyri skeins.

Stitch Maynia #12: Framed: Sisley

I got the outer border of this done. Now to fill it in.

Runner Kit

I saw this kit on the Sew and So site and thought it was so pretty and cheerful I bought it.

Same Statue

Same statue as the night one I posted last week. You can see how cloudy it was. Andreas took it from this angle because it reminded him of someone.

Saturday, June 01, 2019

Stitch Maynia #2: Take Good Care

This didn't get photographed at the right time, so it's out of sequence. I'm making it for a friend.

Still More Dress

Lots of dress done and much more to do. Folds near the flag are done this time.

Crewelwork Kit

This is a kit from Sew and So for their crewelwork heart stitchalong. Time to get cracking on it.