Andreas is going to Kyiv in the summer to work. I want to make him something to bring with him, so he's approved an afghan with this yarn. Now to start. He will need something warm for the winter.
Kits for Garden of Zig and Forest of Zag. Yes, I have already started Garden of Zig, but the colors are so pretty I got a second set. Also got two for Forest of Zag, just to make sure.
Bought two grab bags from Darn Good Yarn, a yarn one and a finished goods one. Got a skirt and a top and a wine bag and a couple other things in the finished goods one. And some pretty yarn in the other. Time to use both.
Catching up on the subscription box postings. I am getting kind of tired of the blue/orange color scheme they use so much in this subscription box. I do have to start sewing again soon. Once I unearth my sewing station from all the stuff that's on top of it from people "cleaning" the dining room.
This is for another baby blanket in the mission. The baby was born in August, but I'm still finishing up the one for Njomza. I am so close to completing it.