Monday, July 31, 2017

Spring Tapestry Done

It's done!  I still don't like the brown much, and will be doing it again in other colors soon, I think.  At latest by next stitch maynia.

New Edges

This is a Laura Perin freebie.  I've made it before in other colors, and my husband's boss saw it framed and loved it, so I promised to make one for her too.  I like her.  She told me the kinds of colors she wanted, and I am getting it done.

Drop Earrings

More jewelry from For The Makers.  This time I got to put stones into cages.  Learning new things!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

All Treed

For the July meeting of CyberStitchers EGA, the designer led us in this petite project.  Mine got done!

Braided Bracelet

Another For The Makers project - I got to macrame this bracelet.  I think it came out pretty well.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Planet And Wings

i've been working a bit on the planet, and it's got some green going on.  The wings are still filling out, too.

Another Basket

My nice round basket got destroyed in an onion storage disaster because Angola.  Andreas insisted I get a replacement.  They didn't have any round ones, so I got another rectangular one.

Friday, July 28, 2017


The mushroom's cap is almost complete, and it's beginning to look like a mushroom!

Badge Holder

Andreas ordered me a new badge holder, since mine fell apart.  Strangely enough, it arrived in the mail the Monday after my last day on the job.  It's all leather and nice, though.  I'll be able to wear my family member badge in it next post.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

On Flowers

A couple of flowers are coming out of hiding, along with butterfly outlines.

At The Water Hole

Andreas got a bunch of very good photos at one of the watering holes.  They all look so peaceful.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Hardanger Outline

I am finally getting around to working on the Aer Bellpull.  So far, I've got the bottom part started.  I don't like that it runs into the banding edges.  Very hard to count there.

Squaring Up

This piece is beginning to get squared up.  I'm feeling like there are so many colors in this really tiny piece, and sometimes it's a pain.

Savannah Friends

When we went together, Andreas and I didn't see a snake.  This time he did, along with other animals.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Almost Squared Off

I am getting very close to finishing this.  Still not at all sure about the brown.  Maybe I will have to work it again in a different color scheme.

Still Backgrounding

Well, I've got a lot of barely visible background done.  I am well over halfway done with it, and then I can start the peacock.

Pretty Bird

This bird was waiting for Andreas to take a photo in Etosha.  Not at all sure what kind it is.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Half A Tree

I have half a holiday tree done.  This was the stitchalong project for the July general meeting of CyberStitchers.

Greening Gargoyles

I am still on the ears of the gargoyles, but they're growing and greening up.


It's a leopard! Great photo by Andreas.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Working On Orange

The green leaves on the right had to be ripped out because they didn't line up.  On the other hand, I have some orange flower done.

Prey And Predator

Andreas went to Namibia with our Marine son in June.  Here are some of the photos.  The lion ones below are excellent.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Almost Second

Needlepainting is a lot of work and takes up quite a bit of thread!  I almost have the second petal of four done, though.  It'd help if I used more than one strand of floss at a time...

Mixing It Up

I have different colors coming together on this small piece.

Jail Time

One of our friends had never been to Fort Worth before.  She was impressed and had to try everything!

Friday, July 21, 2017

More Leaves

More leaves in the middle and more snowflakes on the edges.  Well over halfway done with this!

About Halfway

Nearly halfway done with this.  Still not the happiest with the brown.

Ride The Longhorn

The patient longhorns even let you pose for photos if you want to ride them.  Each longhorn does this for about an hour a day in the shade with water nearby.  They seem well taken care of.