I started part two of the Tuscany. The leaves are lazy daisy stitch, and the vines are all double running stitch. There was a little trick to getting the placement right, since the edges of part one are that one thread out instead of two. I had to do some frogging the first time because of that. At least I caught it before I did all four. I would have, as my daughter would put it, committed seppuku. No need for that now!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
No Dessert for Me
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Yet Another Round Robin
This is my latest round robin start. It's the sealife one that I did the seahorse for a few weeks ago. I decided to do a shell this time. It should be fairly quick, at least.
cross stitch,
round robin
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Getting the Gold Down
This week, I stitched all the gold corner bits and did the tops of the swirls on the second corner. This side might not be going any faster in actuality, but it feels faster, and that's a good thing. I am off to Baltimore today to take a couple of classes at the ANG seminar. More projects to blog! Because of that, I'll be writing the blogs early and then posting them daily. I'll just be a -bit- busy there. My husband's dragging me to an O's game, for example.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Pottery Prevails
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Flag Lady
First Jessicas
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Another Finish
I don't knit well and I have very little patience for it, so this picture is of my one scarf that took nearly a year to do. It's a gift for one of my husband's coworkers. I don't think I'll be knitting again for a while, even though this came out pretty well. It counts toward my project challenge, though!
Huswif Horrors
Plugging along on this - the part takes a long time. It's looking really pretty, though, even if I did go back to stitching with Honeydew this week. From what other stitchers said, this part alone was over forty hours to stitch. I can believe it, even though I have no clue how others keep track of their stitching time. Every time I see this, though, I smile at how pretty it is.
cross stitch,
Mystery X
Friday, August 24, 2007
Part One Done!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tiramisu Back to Front
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Medieval Mandala Progress
I got more on this done, adding some gold and blue. I think it's coming along fairly nicely. Now, if only I could limit myself to a couple of things to stitch on at a time, I'd end up completing them much faster...
This I like, though, because it's giving me no problems and looks really, really nice.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
More Golden
Monday, August 20, 2007
Lady Coming Along
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Huswif Stitched
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Sprattering Along
This week, I finished the starfle row - I think it looks cute - and started the sprats heads below it. I'll get those done this week, along with the Jessicas that go between them. At least, start the Jessicas. The sprats heads are out of really slick Edmar stuff that I've never used before, so they're hard to keep tension on.
Swimming Along
This piece is hard because it's interstitial - it only gets worked on when I'm away waiting for someone or I'm completely stuck from something else. Anyway, I managed to get some work on it last week, starting the seahorse as I waited for various doctors' appointments for my kids. I'll get it done eventually. I have to say, though, this Strand wool really needs to be kept straight. It's naturally curly.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Pigged Out
Thursday, August 16, 2007
A Bit Redder
I got more red on the Midi this week, and I'm kind of confused by Martina's choice to use two reds on this. They both look to be essentially the same color to me. Both are in the red area I've completed. Can you tell the difference? One is from Thread Gatherer and the other is from Gloriana. I'm sure she has a reason. I feel like I'm going to finish this part soon, unlike how I felt for so long with part two. Since this picture, I've even put some pictures on the other arch too!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Flag Fever
Still working on the flag part and have a whole bunch to go on the piece. I really need to have it done by the end of January because the charity raffle's going to start in April with a great big rally for the troops. I need to have it framed and ready to show by then. Now to get it done ... at least I like working on it.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Nearly There
Monday, August 13, 2007
Starfles Started
Sunday, August 12, 2007
This is the calendar round robin I'm on now. It's pigs. Since this picture was taken, I've gotten the bottom half of the March pig done. Luckily, that's the only one I have to do. I don't know where these people are finding the calendar designs. I just know mine is so different ... oh well. This one's on Aida, too. I believe I've become a fabric snob. Linen and evenweave are just so much easier for me to work on and they have so much a softer hand. Working on Aida feels rough and stiff to me. Oh well... not too long on this one.
cross stitch,
round robin
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Winding the Paths
cross stitch,
Mystery X
Friday, August 10, 2007
Crossing on Tuscany
Well, I got almost all of the cross stitches done this week. Since this picture was taken, I've finished all the cross stitches and almost all the Rhodes stitches. You'll see those next week. The colors are nice, and I like the way it's turning out so far. Since all the colors are variegated on this, though, I'm getting tired of doing every stitch individually. It goes more slowly.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Starting at an Angle
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
A Quarter Done!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
A Touch of Red
Monday, August 06, 2007
Flag Started
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Red Squares
I finished off the diamond row with Algerian eyes in the middle. They came out pretty well, and now I'm in the process of doing the red square satin stitches on the penultimate row. Once I'm done with the stitching, there are beads to add and then I'll need to put it together, like I did the purse. I think it's coming along pretty well.
A Quick Finish
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Shells... and More Shells
My Garden Grows
cross stitch,
Mystery X
Friday, August 03, 2007
Officially Behind
As I knew would happen, I fell officially behind on Tuscany on Wednesday. I am not very far behind, however. Since taking this picture, I've gotten all the outer border done and most of the inner area done. It's mainly specialty stitches to complete part one. I haven't even looked at what I need to do for part two yet, but I will probably be able to start it next week. I still really like the color of the fabric with the colors of the floss, although some people would say the two light colors blend in too much.
Round Robin Complete
Last night, I finally finished my part of this round robin. It took a lot longer than I thought it should, but it's done. Now I have four others in queue to do! I'll be able to get them started now that this one's done. It's getting sent to India today. This also counts as my third project of my 25 project challenge, which is a good thing.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Bordering on Four
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Not As Far As I Thought
cross stitch,
round robin
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