One of the vases on this band is done now, so two more to go. I think I'm not taking this with me to Europe. There's no great urgency to finish it, and I think I need a break from it, too. It'll be in my rotation to do until I go, and, in fact, will be what I'm working on today.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
One of Three Down
One of the vases on this band is done now, so two more to go. I think I'm not taking this with me to Europe. There's no great urgency to finish it, and I think I need a break from it, too. It'll be in my rotation to do until I go, and, in fact, will be what I'm working on today.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Pointy Middle
I got more of this light green done over the past week, making the pointy middle things. Filled it in some with the darker gold petite treasure braid, too. I really need to get back into the swing of doing more stitching, but things are still hectic. At this point, I doubt they're going to calm down before I go to Europe. Just so much to do! This one will also go with me overseas, and I hope to finish it there if I'm not too busy. Either I'm going to be really busy during the days doing research, or not busy at all during the days. Time will tell.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Fourth and Blue
Gold outline and another shade of blue added to the fourth corner; it's coming along. I've decided this is one of the projects going to Europe with me in two weeks. The airline into my final destination allows only forty kilos of checked baggage, and I'm going to be there for just over a month! So I've got to be really careful about which projects I carry along with me. I'm mailing a couple to myself too.
A Little More Flag
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A Little Heart
I'm over halfway done with this heart; it helped that I was trapped in a medical office waiting room for a couple of hours and had this along. It wasn't easy because there was no table, but I managed to do some beading anyway. Since this picture was taken, I've finished the project - but - no picture yet, as my husband has a camera in another state. It's my April ornament for ornament of the month.
cross stitch,
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Maidenly Progress
Friday, April 25, 2008
Dragonfly Buckle Start
I started this on the way home last Saturday from Pittsburgh. The spider webs went really quickly and I think it'll take a lot less time than the guitar did.
belt buckles,
Starting to Triangulate
I got the large crescents done this week and started in on four triangular Jessica stitches. They go quickly and are fun to do, though it's hard to slide the needle beneath that many threads toward the end of the stitch. I'll finish up the other three triangular stitches next week. I thought this band was going to go a lot more slowly than it is, most likely because it's so wide.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
She's a Blonde
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Cobi's Block Finished
I added the bee and the monogram in this picture. The bee is in several stitches with petite treasure braid and ribbon; the monogram is in three rows of stem stitch using silk.
crazy quilting,
Car Project Finished
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Round Robin Brings Craziness
Monday, April 21, 2008
More Filling, Less Stitches

The filling's coming along, it seems. I'm definitely over halfway done with the third quarter, which makes me feel good, even if others are working on the ninth part. I never keep up with the releases of the chart parts of these, so it doesn't bother me anymore. I'll get it done and it will be beautiful.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Shawl Finished
Curlicues and Flower Pots
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Framed and Given
I finished this piece back in January and my husband finished the frame on Thursday. I think he did a really good job of it. When it was given yesterday, everyone admired it.
cross stitch,
Friday, April 18, 2008
Finished with a Ribbon on Top

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Comfort for a Friend

I hadn't planned on making this, but there's a friend who's going through a very hard time, so I thought I'd make her a comfort shawl. I'm using Angel from JoAnn fabrics. It's very soft and not hard to work with. It's between a worsted and a bulky weight. This is also really easy to do, since it's just a rectangle of double crochet stitches. I hope to mail it out on Friday; if I don't, it'll be in the mail on Monday. I'm that close to having it done.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A Bit of Gold and Green

This week it was the metallic gold in between some of the bars and the half stitches of celadon green. At least I'm making progress now. For a little while there, I was worried that I was getting bogged down in too much other stuff going on around me. Back on track and ready to move forward to a finish by the end of the summer.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Outlining the Fourth
Monday, April 14, 2008
Third Band Done
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Neck and Shoulders
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Starfles Away
Friday, April 11, 2008
Lining It Up
Not much done, but some on this. The black parts of the v's are in, as is some more celadon green inside a couple of the plaques. The dark green is added on the left, too. It's getting there despite the setback last month where I misplaced the line of plaques. I'm ahead of the point I was at, which is progress indeed.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
More Skirt, More Flowers
With all the little bits of color around the flowers and the upper edge of the dress, I've been having floss leftover when I do them. So I've been using it to expand the skirt. It means when I get there, I'll have less to do. The piece is getting to the point where I feel the top half is almost done. All that's really left is her arm, her head, and the top of the flag.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Buckled Up

One down, eleven more to go. My only hope is that the stitch guides get better. The actual stitching wasn't difficult, though several of the fibers tended to shred a lot. I've decided I don't like Gold Rush. The sparkly allows the underlying white to show through too much, too easily. I'll be waiting to finish this into something when the other eleven are done.
belt buckles,
Backing It Up
belt buckles,
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Finished Up
This was sitting on my desk with the back and front sewn together for weeks. This weekend, I finished it off and I like the looks of it. I could have picked light colored beads, but decided to go with the dark ones to add more contrast. It feels good to have something completely finished off, especially after the last month when I got nothing done.
Shading some Leaves
Monday, April 07, 2008
Knotted Up
The knots on band three are nearly done now. Only a little bit to fill in on the last. I'll be working on it this week and hope to get this band to completion. I really do prefer the horizontal lines on the filling to the diagonal ones. It was a lot easier to do and, I think, gives a smoother line and looks better.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Starfling Along
I'm about three-quarters of the way done with this starfle row, and will be starting another bunch of string art stitches next. I'm just glad I got to working on this at all this week. It's been that kind of day. Three bands done and two more larger ones to go, though none, I think, with the hundreds of little jessicas again.
Small, But It's Done
Yes, it's the first week of April, but I just finished my March ornament. It feels good to finish something - I only completed two things in all of March. January's overproductivity must be catching up with me. I did get quite a bit done today, so maybe I'll get on an upward trend. Anyway - this was a really easy stitch and I think it turned out pretty well. I think I'll finish it into a little pillow ornament.
cross stitch,
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Slow Progress
Friday, April 04, 2008
Rose Angel Halfway
March's ornament is getting there, despite March being gone. I'm falling behind on so much I'm beginning to feel guilty about it. This has gone easily, at least.
cross stitch,
Thursday, April 03, 2008
A New Ribbon Start
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Third Corner Done
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
More on the Flowers
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