This is the kissing pillow I stitched this last week. It took about an hour and a half, and so makes a good little break project. I'm going to wait to make it into a pillow until I have a few more, either stitched by me or sent to me, and then make them all at once. This counts as number six on my ten project challenge, but I'm only going to count one of these instead of one each week.
These cute little pillows were designed by Geraldine Trappey of the Yellow Rose Chapter of the Embroiderers' Guild of America to give to children of servicepeople about to be deployed. The design is only available to chapters of EGA and the American Needlepoint Guild to do as outreach projects. I didn't stitch these two, but I finished them! They are the first two pillows in the Outreach Program of Cyberstitchers. Our Outreach chairman stitched them and she did a wonderful job. I am committing myself to stitching one a week. The smaller one, that I messed up the cutting on, is already on its way to a service member's family. He deployed yesterday, but they're hoping to get it to him to kiss and return before he gets all the way overseas. If you're in EGA or ANG, contact the Yellow Rose Chapter EGA to ask how your chapter can get involved!