Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More Midi

Well, I got two more pots nearly done. It's going and the progress is more visible than on those arches, but sometimes I feel like I'll never get this done. Nine and a half months after the beginning of the chart and I'm still only on the second of six parts! I can only hope the other parts have less stitching in them. I -think- they do. If I knew what the design looked like when I started it, I wouldn't have put it on such a dark fabric. It looks okay, but just doesn't grab me as a good background now. I must have the mid-project doldrums. The rain and snow through yesterday didn't help that, I'm sure.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Huswif Progress

I've made quite a bit of progress on this, mainly because it's become the piece I carry around while waiting for people to get done with things. The colors on the second picture are more true; it's hard to get a good picture because of the lack of contrast between the fabric and the floss. I still love the feel of Vikki Clayton's silks. After this picture was taken, I finished Part 1 and started Part 2. Part one ends at the bar below the frames. So now I'm only a month and a half behind.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Needlepoint Finish

Got this finished this week. I'm going to put it into a luggage tag as a gift when I get the tag. It's the ninth of ten finishes on my project challenge. Only one more to go!

Goldwork Parts C and D Done

This week I was able to work on the goldwork twice, making me able to complete two areas. The "beads" in the middle of the flower were all supposed to use Jaceron, but I had extra bits from my last goldwork piece and used them. That means I added bits of copper to it. I think it looks pretty good.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Victorian Garden

I reached the point of the edge of parts 2 and 3 this week. I'll be working it from top down now. Since taking this picture, I've made more progress than usual for me in a week. I'm pleased. The colors blend into each other quite well. I'm still far behind, but at least I'm catching up, somewhat.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Strap Stretched

I didn't get much done on this this week - just managed to get the strap another inch and a half longer. I still like how it is coming along. Will be able to get it done, hopefully, soon.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Heart on the Backstretch

I have the heart completely done now and am just filling in the background now. It looks pretty good and I got quite a bit more done since this picture, so I -should- have this done by the end of the week. It's my goal!