Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bringing It Down

I got a dark red stripe done and some medium brown on the other edge. Downward progress is definitely being made; it's just slow because the piece is so large. My current goal on this is to put in one strand of floss per day, and I'm pretty good at getting that done.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

English Flowering

this week I got the majority of the bottom half of the flower done. There's a lot of green for leaves and such to put on this band, but the big central motif is done but for darning and backstitching. I definitely need to have it done by the end of August, though.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Foursquare Patterns

I got the ninth of twenty parts on the fifteenth and managed to do most of its four squares. The piece is coming together pretty well, don't you think? Now to finish up the last square before the end of the month.

Silvering the Background

I got more on the background done this week. It's not all that much to do, since the design is so big. Maybe next week I'll have it done and can go on and start the borders.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

First Stitches Taken

Here's the beginning of Bibendum. I'm going to stitch the word first so I can center in the figure better. Not much yet, is it?

Tantalizingly Close

I'm -so- close to the end of part three's cross stitches I can taste it. I'll definitely have them done next week. Yes, the picture's sideways. My husband took it that way and I didn't bother to rotate it. I do like the way it's coming together on this fabric. It stands out so well.

Naked Crazy Quilt Block

I'm in the beginning of a few crazy quilt round robins - the first one is a sampler round robin where people do seam treatments with different stitches picked per month. Since that requires a lot of long seams, I made this block for it. I think it came out pretty well. Now to pop it in the mail on Monday and see what the others do with it over the next several months.