Friday, April 23, 2010

Tentacling On

This week, I worked on the massive tentacles for the third jellyfish.  I should have that done the next time I work on it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Countryside

Some last pictures of the Tuacarembo/Valle Eden area.  All are very much countryside.
I have no idea what kind of bird it is, but it's surely pretty.

Wild turkeys!

Arlene's Silk Ribbon Block

I finished up Arlene's silk ribbon block and mailed it off last week.  Here's a picture of the block before my work.

And here it is after I finished.  I didn't go the floral route because there were already so many beautiful flowers on the block.  Instead, I did a branch full of leaves and some dragonflies.  I also added a chainlink border and a rickrack border embellised with ribbon and beads. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Pattern Emerges

The second rectangle's pattern is hard to establish with a thread length - the gaps between are just too big.  So, now that I've added three colors to it, you can see the wave emerging.  I'm almost done with the first basketweave rectangle, too.

Last Gaucho Festival Post

At least for this year, it is.  We've not decided if we're going next year yet.  This is a picture of one of the booths with stuff for sale.
This picture and the next are for Andreas' mother.  I know I wouldn't feel safe on these rides...
And a pet monk parakeet.  We get these in our back yard in the spring.

This is the lake in the middle of the festival grounds.  The main circuit goes all the way around it.  For some reason, it's called Washerwoman lake.
A back view of one of the permanent pavilions.
I thought the meal kits were kind of spiffy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another Biscornu for SAS

We've been told we're a bit short on biscornu for SAS 30 in June, so I've decided to make a third one.  I think the colors are a lot better on this one than the last.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Beer for my Horses

Two special pictures from the Gaucho Festival.  When we saw the tableau, we thought of the Toby Keith song...

And washed to make them look even more like the song...