Friday, February 18, 2011

All Comparsa

This set is all comparsa.  It's bright, colorful, and costumes range from near-complete coverage to nearly nothing!  The noise is nearly deafening too, with all the drums.

End of the Row

Two edges of the piece are now complete and you can see how large the square will be.  Now to fill in the rest....

Murga and Comparsa

Murgas tend to have costumes similar to those in Venice.  They sing songs poking fun at Uruguayo life.  This year, that means about the trash strike, the World Cup, and the Chilean miners.  Plus the regular poking at Argentines.  Comparsas are the drum and dance groups.  Can you tell which are which in this set of pictures?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thank you Kristin!

Sticklounge had its first exchange.  We were to make needlecases or pinkeeps.   This is what I got from Kristin in Germany.   It's  beautifully finished and she sent me some wonderful Tentakulum thread, too!  Thank you so much, I'm using it already.

One World One Heart Winners!

The winners of the OWOH doorprize are Electra, Connie, and Lamore Allure.  All were sent notes this morning, and I hope to hear from them soon.  Thank you to everyone who left comments, and I hope some of you decide to give temari a try!

Still Chilling

All the borders are done and I'm working on the middle now.  Amazing what you can get done in five minute increments.

Parading Along...

Still more parade pictures.  I was not at all thrilled with the print on the dancers' legs below ... it made their legs look really fat.  On top of the print itself being ugly.