Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Marine Ball November 2011

This year, Marine Balls got a lot more publicity than usual thanks to the video invitations of celebrities.  For those of you who don't know, the Marines celebrate their founding in 1775 every year by throwing a birthday party.  Every detachment worldwide throws a party.  Ours in Chisinau was held at the Leogrand Hotel Convention Center.  As you can see, the party is rather formal at first.  After dinner, though, it goes wild with dancing and drinking.  If you ever get a chance to go to one, do it!


Yay, the salamander's done and the background around it is stitched.  Big milestone.

Another Tree

More sky, more tree, more castle.  A typical stitching session on this.  Progress is at least visible now.

Monday, December 19, 2011

And Now Two

Two flowers done on top; on to the third and starting on the bottom motifs.

Another Gift Ball

I'm not getting too very fancy with these, as I have several to make in a short bit of time.  On the other hand, I do want them to look good.  I think I struck the right compromise with this one.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Daisy Reworked

 I wasn't satisfied with the leaves on my last daisy temari, so I changed them on this one.  I think it looks better, but I still need to figure out what to do with the middle - or maybe put in another row of petals there.

Shutter and Shrub

This week, it was all about the shutters and the shrub under the second floor window.  Neither are done, but at least they're bigger.