Thursday, November 28, 2013

Second Section Backstitching

I'm working on getting a second corner backstitched as the last corner's cross stitching starts down the side.

Gettnig Crowded

The sheep are all crowding in on each other now.

Three Burghers

No idea why they're in front of the church, but they must have been important to Frankfurt at some point.

Great Linen Find

I found a bargain at the Frankfurt Karstadt!  These linen table toppers and tablecloths were half price.  They're completely evenweave and beautifully finished.  Now to figure out what I want to put on them.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Temari for Little Extra

 I made this beginner temari for the Little Extras project of CyberStitchers.  As a serendipitous twofer, I managed to use it as a teaching temari in Bacioi!

Wobbly Houses

Hand painted shot glasses we found in Krakow.

Ros Markt

I came across this small fair in the Ros Markt in the last week of September.  Frankfurt is full of toddlers!  This place was a maze of munchkins and wagons.  It looked like they were all having a good time.