Friday, August 29, 2014


The last footprint of the Stephans in Moldova is gone.  Brian left yesterday to be home with his family and start a new assignment in South Carolina.  We will miss them.  Brian, on his last trip back here, brought me four bags of dill pickle chips from Jen.  Andreas immediately appropriated one, leaving me three.  I've been nursing them along, as there's just no way to get them here.

Another Flutter

I've started the second butterfly and I'm almost to the right edge of the piece.  It's not a very  tall piece, so I hope it goes fairly quickly.  I'd like to have several things on my current rotation done before I start the Christmas push in October.

Cthulu Crest

The very first thing I thought when I saw Brasov's city crest was "Cthulu!" The roots of the tree under the crown definitely remind me of this.  Brasov's crest goes back to the middle ages when it was named Kronstadt and was a Saxon enclave.  It was the first town in Romania to embrace the Reformation, too.  I still think it's Cthulu.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


I have the first leaf completely done now and am working on some grapes.  It's even got the inner veins stitched.  Onward!

All About Andreas

My husband's hat and arrows.  

Found A Festival

 Evidently the local meat company in Brasov was celebrating its twentieth anniversary the weekend we were there.  These are some photos of the festival in the old square.  We got to see the trumpeters on the balcony of the old town hall, too, despite not knowing it was going to happen.  They put on a good show.  

Once we got to Brasov, it was a good short vacation.  Getting there was a bit more of an adventure than we wanted.  It included four washed out bridges and a total of six extra hours of driving.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I have the tower of San Marco square started!  It's real progress, as I'm almost halfway done with this part.