Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Night Frame

Into the Night has been perfectly framed by MolDeco.  They do such an awesome job!  It has also been gifted to the recipient, so I can post it now.

Mi Piace Wedding Fare

Nate, Andreas's former boss who's currently stationed in Iraq, came back to Moldova in November to marry his sweetheart Vera.  The wedding was beautiful and Mi Piace did a very good job of decorating.  You can see the food in these photos.  If anything, the photos don't show how much food there actually -was-.  Because we were sitting with the groom's parents, our food was served on individual plates.  Each item has some kind of significance in local culture.  For example, the sweet table as you come in is so the marriage starts out as sweet as possible and stays that way.  We left after one, when the wedding was beginning to wind down.  It was a honor to be invited and a pleasure to meet Nate's parents.

Salt Chandeliers

You see these in the miner's route restoration areas, too.  They're chandeliers made out of salt.  All the crystals are salt from the mine.  In previous centuries they were all candlelit.  Now they've got light bulbs.  Either way, they're gorgeous and huge.

Monday, December 29, 2014

But We're Moving To Angola...

I bought the yarn and started this scarf while we were in Krakow - I needed something to do while on the bus to Auschwitz.  This was about three weeks before we found out we were moving to Angola next summer.  So, what to do?  Finish?  Or give up?  I decided to finish it and will gift it to someone.  I'd wear it, but we're moving to Angola...

A Seasonal Dinner

After a long day at work plus a necessary stop at the mall for groceries and cell phone payment, we decided to eat at Seasons.  They are probably one of the most consistent restaurants in Moldova, with good service and good food.  They're located in the mall, though, so you have to go through there to get to it.  Live music Friday nights, at least, and it's got a good atmosphere.

Down The Corridors

One thing all these photos show, from both tours, is that salt mines are NOT cramped ugly places.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Got Some Yellow

The right gargoyle got some love this time along with the center support.  I feel like I'm getting some part of it done.