Sunday, August 23, 2015

Present For Dawn

We found this at MolDeco and gave it to Dawn for her birthday.  It fits her perfectly.

Back To Brown

This time it was all brown on the peacock.  I much prefer bright color.

Monastery Grounds

The grounds of Rudi are well tended and have a lot of vegetable plots.  The monastery tries to be mostly self sufficient.  They're also pretty.



Saturday, August 22, 2015

Pirate Ship

Andreas had this pirate scroll that he didn't have a way to display.  MolDeco came to the rescue.

Second Flower Emerges

Time for a second flower to come out of hiding. A lot of bits are a lot more stitching than intended because of the count of the fabric.

Moldova May Flowers

These flowers were all on the grounds of Rudi Monastery.  A lot of them are both beautiful and practical.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Picked Up In Odessa

Here's the pastel drawing of the Odessa opera house we got from the crazy artist on the Pushkin walkway.  It looks so good floating in this frame.