Sunday, April 02, 2017

Getting To The Window

I'm about a third done now on the second side.  Not as fast when I don't work on it every day, but not bad progress.


Random Kreinik threads from a Fireside Stitchery e-sale.

Monkey On The Branches

I don't know if he was picking fruit off the palms or getting a drink or just wanting to be alone, but this monkey was on the side of the water waiting for us.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Beginning To Knot

My Tulip Garden is beginning to knot up nicely.  It's not long until the second knot is released, though.

A Bottle And A Goblet

I am over halfway done and the piece is taking shape beautifully.  One of my goals is to finish this while in India.  Not sure if I can.

Gin To Try

This gin was in Candando and not too highly priced last month, so we decided to give it a try.  Andreas hasn't made me a gin and tonic yet, though.

In A Cloudy Sky

Andreas caught more raptor in flight.  Different bird, flying well above the water.  This is what happens when you're on a slow moving boat.