Thursday, June 15, 2017


This mosque is the only one in Mumbai, according to my guide, that allows women in at all.  Think about this - you're a Muslim woman and all the mosques but one won't even let you in the door.  This one's still segregated, but at least they let women in.

This Is The Place

If you are looking for fabric in Mumbai, this market is the place to be.  Hundreds of vendors, all kinds of fabrics from silk to indigo cotton to saris and embroidered lawn ... and I wanted them all.

Yay, More Color!

I have done most of the wine glass, including the red at the bottom of the bell.  There's still some stem to do, and a lot of bottle, but the end is near!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Reflecting Scotland

I started this twice; the first time was with two strands of floss.  I decided this was too bulky, so restarted with one strand.  Now I have most of the first sword done!

Orange, No Peacock

This is a Mill Hill kit that I bought from Nordic Needle.  It will have a peacock and a saying when it's done.  Bought two, because it's perfect for one of my friends.

The Market

This market is one of the main ones in Mumbai.  It's called Crawford Market and has almost everything food in it, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian.  I love the way the pineapple sellers cut the pineapples.  According to my guide, this method makes the pineapples less stringy when eating. 

Prince of Wales Museum

 This is the Prince of Wales museum in Mumbai.  It has art, mainly contemporary.  Unfortunately, I never got to go in.  The grounds are pretty, even the photobombing tree.