Monday, August 14, 2017

Part Five DONE!

My garden is getting another level.  Part five is officially done and now I can get to the new parts.  Still working on part four's backstitching, though.

Tiny Crabs And Trash

Teeny tiny crabs scuttled up and down the beach, hard to see because of their near-translucent camouflage.  The trash - it's Angola.  Trash is everywhere.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

First Temari In A While

 Someone loved the design of this temari from one of my books, so I made it.  Came out pretty well even though I changed the colors quite drastically.

Made For Marialice

I finished up the piece for my husband's boss before leaving Angola.  She loved it so much she showed it off to the ambassador.

Cloudy Day

The day at Shipwreck Beach was made more depressing by the weather.  It was cloudy and clammy and added to the sense of neglect.  Kelly, my friend, posed for a photo.  It shows how close the ships actually are to the shore.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

On To Christmas

The little bit of this that I worked on gave me some joy.  Guess I should work on it  some more.

Still Eary

These ears take a lot of stitching, but I also got some of the right border done and a little bit of the heads that aren't the ears.